Your Hosts

Jack Kirk

Companion of the 8th, 11th, and 12th Doctors

Jonathan (Jack) W. Kirk, called Jack by his friends, is a total sci-fi nerd born at the turn of the century. Jack was introduced to sci-fi and the concept of time travel in 2007 when he was 8 years old with the movie “Meet The Robinsons.” He was later introduced to Star Wars, Star Trek, and Stargate and was a huge fan of them throughout high school. At the end of his high school career in 2017 he was introduced to Doctor Who and has been a huge fan ever since. He has watched all of the TV episodes of the 1st-6th and 8th-15th Doctors, and has listened to very many audio stories from Big Finish Productions. He loved listening to Doctor Who podcasts, but could not find one that went through all Doctor Who TV and audio stories in chronological order, so he decided to start one!

Andrew Park

Companion of the 9th and 12th Doctors

Andrew has been a Doctor Who fan since 2015, beginning by watching “NuWho” with the 9th Doctor and catching up on all episodes between The Time of the Doctor and Deep Breath. Having never watched Old Doctor Who before this podcast, he is learning a lot about Doctor Who through this project. Outside of Doctor Who, Andrew is a big fan of other sci-fi franchises such as Marvel and Star Wars, and enjoys many British comedy shows such as “Taskmaster” and “Would I Lie To You?” He is also a huge nerd about math and is currently a high school math teacher.